Research Journal Task:
After reading the two short pieces on psychogeography
1. Write a clear definition of the term psychogeography.
2. Then summarize the two "psychogeography" pieces (posted on Libguide) and provide the two citations in Chicago style.
Writing a Summary Dos and Don'ts
- Report the overall topic right away-- What it is the topic, in general, about?
- Begin with the name of the essay and the author (Ex: Siobhan Lyons, Scholar in Media and Cultural Studies, Macquarie University)
- Write in present tense and describe the main points covered in the article (Ex: "Lyons, explains, shows, discusses..."
- Include supporting details as needed depending upon the length and depth of the summary desired
- Mention any important conclusions drawn
- include your own opinion about the text
- include quotations from the original text
- exceed half the length of the original text
Chicago citation style (Ex.):
Richard Kimberly Heck, “About the Philosophical Gourmet Report,” August 5, 2016,