Material culture refers to the tools, media, weapons, utensils, machines, ornaments, art, buildings, monuments, written records, religious images, clothing, and other material object produced or used by humans. Material Culture Studies is an interdisciplinary field that examines the relationship between people and their things, the making, history, preservation, and interpretation of objects.
Flâneur: A French noun, referring to a person who is a stroller, an urban wanderer if you will with a focus on observing contemporary {urban] life. Flanerie: the activity of walking the streets with the aim of urban investigation and observation.
4-5 Required Stops
Red Devil Records, 894 Fourth Street
Seawood Photo: 1601 Fourth Street
At least one from each category
1. Object Oriented shop-- Examples: Angel Estates (Antiques), Blue Moon Comics (graphic novels), Gamescape (board games), Atleier Yarns,
2. Social / Artistic Activity Oriented-- Martial Arts, Fencing, Art Studios, etc.
You will walk and observe and describe your 4th St. journey.
Especially: observe and describe Red Devil including a detailed description of one vinyl record album.
Likewise: Seawood Photo- and one vintage/analog camera.
Explore 4th St. and observe. We will use your observations for a class project.
I recommend using your phone’s voice recorder and camerato document your ‘flanerie’ but you may use your journal.
For class on Tuesday: