Defining of key terminology and concepts for disability studies from Key Concepts in Learning Disabilities is a handy guide to the topics you need to know about whether studying or working in the field of learning disabilities.
Start here for brief, informative overviews from such scholarly encyclopedia as: Keywords for Disability Studies, The SAGE Encyclopedia of Children and Childhood Studies, The Encyclopedia of Literary and Cultural Theory, Encyclopedia of Educational Philosophy and Theory
Introduces key terms, concepts, debates, and histories for Disability Studies Keywords for Disability Studies aims to broaden and define the conceptual framework of disability studies for readers and practitioners in the field and beyond.
Education systems worldwide will only successfully serve the needs of people with disability when we inclusively examine and address disabling issues that currently exist at school level education as well as further and higher education and beyond.
Although scholars in the environmental humanities have been exploring the dichotomy between "wild" and "built" environments for several years, few have focused on the field of disability studies, a discipline that enlists the contingency between environments and bodies as a foundation of its scholarship.
Geographies of Disability
This book explains how space, place and mobility have shaped the experiences of disabled people both in the past and in contemporary societies.
Inclusion, Disability and Culture
This book examines some theoretical and empirical aspects about complexities of inclusion, disability and culture. It challenges the globalized technical and reductionist approach of inclusion and argues that concepts of disability and inclusion are culturally constructed.
The aim of this text is to convey the experiences of excluded children, their parents, teachers and remaining classmates. It offers reflections on inclusion and exclusion and the issues raised are international.
There is a growing population at the intersection of aging and disability who increasingly rely on old community service systems for care--systems that currently cannot handle the increase in demand and the crossing of the care boundaries that have been set up between the aging and those with disability.
A comprehensive text addressing this issue is welcome and this book addresses service provision for older people with disabilities from a UK, USA and Australian perspective.
What is the lived experience of previously healthy older adults as they face disability in late life, and how is disability assimilated in their identity? How do prevailing practices facilitate--or limit--options for elders living with new disabilities? To address these questions, Jeffrey Kahana and Eva Kahana uniquely synthesize disability and gerontological perspectives to explore both the unfolding challenges of aging and the practices and policies that can enhance the lives of older adults.
Aging and Disability
Many different groups of people are subject to stereotypes. Positive stereotypes (e.g., "older and wiser") may provide a benefit to the relevant groups. However, negative stereotypes of aging and of disability continue to persist and, in some cases, remain socially acceptable.
This handbook is aimed at clinicians and others who are engaged in caring for ageing adults with developmental disabilities. It is intended to inform understanding, promote assessment, assist in care planning, and especially to improve everyday living for this needy but sadly often neglected group of vulnerable individuals.