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Tertiary Sources: Subject Encyclopedias and Dictionaries (Background & Historical Context)
Subject Encyclopedias & Dictionaries:
- Credo Topic Page on California - Provides broad overview and links to sub-topics.
- New Encyclopedia of the American West - From Yale University Press. This authoritative, comprehensive encyclopedia is a rich source of information about the American West, real and imaginary, old and new, stretching from coast to coast and throughout the country’s history and culture. See also: Timeline of the American West for foundational timeline of key events.
- Encyclopedia of the United States in the Nineteenth Century entry on California - Covers all aspects of 19th century history: population, politics and government, economy and work, society and culture, religion, social problems and reform, everyday life, and foreign policy are explored in A-to-Z articles.
- Encylopedia of American Studies on California - Brings together a wide range of disciplines related to the history and cultures of the United States, from pre-colonial days to the present.
- Merriam-Websters Geographical Dictionary - A comprehensive guide to the key political and physical features of California.
- Encyclopedia of North American Indians on California Tribes - Written by contemporary authorities, the volume features many Native American contributors - including eminent writers, tribal elders, scholars, and activists.
- Dictionary of American History on California - General factual overview of the main periods in California history.