This guide is designed to complement the library and research activities in Global Public Health
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Peer-reviewed medical journals, magazines, standards of professional practice, dissertations, evidence-based care information, and research instruments.
Scholarly journal articles covering: physical and biological Sciences, business and economics, education, nursing, psychology, and more.
Articles related to alternative & complementary medicine along with holistic and integrated approaches to health care.
Nursing journal & magazine articles.
Register of controlled trials, systematic reviews, methodology register, abstracts of reviews of effects, health technology assessmentsand the NHS Economic Evaluation Database.
journal and magazine articles covering: abortion, criminology & criminal justice, ethnic & racial studies, gender studies, substance abuse, and more.
Visualizations of data and statistics covering education, industries, healthcare and many more topics.
Across the web, there are millions of datasets about nearly any subject that interests you. Dataset Search has indexed almost 25 million datasets, giving you a single place to search for datasets and find links to where the data is.