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The Library's Role in the Dominican Experience

Assessment plan, reports, and statistics for the library's instruction program.

Embedded Information Literacy Instruction, Liaison Support, and Assessment


By the end of their college experience students will be able to:

  • Effectively locate and access information in numerous formats using a variety of appropriate search tools, depending on the subject and need;
  • Critically evaluate and select relevant, credible, and high-quality information sources;
  • Synthesize information from various sources and diverse perspectives, and ethically use that information in a product such as an essay, thesis, or other culminating project;
  • Apply these skills across disciplines and beyond the academic environment, drawing on them in their careers and lives.

Embed Information Literacy in Your Classes

Librarians are available to provide custom information literacy and research skills instruction sessions to individual classes throughout the year.  Sessions usually run one hour and can be conducted in your classroom.

What Your Librarian Can do for You

Liaisons are the librarians that work most often with individual departments and are most familiar with the subject matter.

Library liaisons can:

  • Offer one-on-one consultation for students
  • Collaborate with you to integrate information literacy into your coursework
  • Provide in-class lectures to introduce your students to information literacy and critical thinking skills
  • Provide tailored training sessions based upon discipline or course to your students
  • Keep you updated about library services, resources, and policies
  • Support your research interests by locating and recommending relevant information resources
  • Provide you with resource guides tailored to your course(s) including books, journals, online databases, audio/visual material, and internet resources
  • Work with you to expand the Library collection to make it more pertinent to the learning and teaching needs of your program.
  • Help you in identifying resources needed for your course(s)

Some things to Remember about Guest Lectures


  • Contact your liaison at least 1-2 weeks prior to the session, when developing your class syllabus, for in-depth Library collaboration on courses and assignments; in doing so you may not need to take time from class. 
  • The primary instructor must attend the session. Students take the need for good research techniques more seriously if the instructor is present and engaged.
  • Avoid requesting a session for the first week of class. Students need to understand the course requirements and assignments before launching into research.
  • Connect the session to the information literacy outcomes for a particular assignment.
  • Please remind students to bring a laptop, tablet, or at least a phone to do hands-on searching. 

Your Library Liaisons

Amy Gilbert


Global Public Health | Nursing | Occupational Therapy | Physician Assistant Studies




photo of Louis Knecht

Louis Knecht


Applied Sport and Performance Psychology | Business Administration | Education | Psychology | Social Justice



Angie Lyons


Biological Sciences | Chemistry and Biochemistry | Ecology and Environmental Sciences | Kinesiology | Nursing



photo of Aaron Richardson

Aaron Richardson


Art Therapy | Communication and Media Studies | Counseling Psychology | Criminology | Dance/LINES Ballet | Literature, Languages, and the Humanities | History and Political Science | MFA in Creative Writing | Sociology | Visual Studies



Measuring Success - Statistics for Instruction and Interaction

What Librarians Do - Statistics

Embedded Information Literacy Instruction

  • Information Literacy Sessions Jan-Dec 2023 = 461
  • Information Literacy Sessions Jan - June 2024 = 227

One-to-One Research Mentoring 

  • Number of Student Appointments Jan-Dec 2023 = 354
  • Number of Student Appointments Jan - June 2024 = 215

Research Help when you need it

  • Reference Questions Answered Jan-Dec 2023 = 461
  • Reference Questions Answered Jan-June 2024 = 227


  • Programs & Collaborations


Dominican Scholar


Archives Internships

Impact of a Dominican Education