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Honors 3155: Liberation Theologies: Home

This guide will provide supplemental information regarding your course on Liberation Theology, along with research tips and tricks to help you succeed.

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(Harriet Tubman Hands, 1885) 


Reflective Essay Infomation


  • Do write your ideas in a descriptive manner. Your thoughts must be stated clearly, so your readers understand exactly what you wanted to say.
  • Do remember: despite your essay being of a reflective type, it is still an academic paper, so try to keep it as formal as possible.
  • Do follow the classical structure: an introduction, main body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
  • Do keep in mind: you should write your essay basing it not only on a personal experience, but also using some factual material.

  • Don’t be too personal. Despite the fact a reflective essay is based on personal experience, remember you are writing an academic essay, not a letter to a friend.
  • Don’t try to cram all your experiences into one essay; choose the most important and significant moments.
  • Don’t try to write everything at once. Compose a mind-map and create an outline which gives a clear direction to your writing.
  • Don’t make your essay a free-flowing analysis, including all your unstructured thoughts, insights, and ideas. Sort your ideas in a logical order.

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