Use the sources below as a starting point to gain on overview of the topic. You can also search Credo using terms like United States and race, ethnicity, migrations, nativism, etc.
Opinions Throughout History: Immigration - This new series from Grey House offers in-depth, single volumes that follow the debate, or path, to a decision on a controversial topic as it evolved throughout history. Each volume offers a wide range of opinion essays and editorials, speeches, and journal articles and expert analysis.
Immigration Policy: Issues and Controversies - From Pro Con Articles. Issues & Controversies explores and analyzes hundreds of hot topics from the standpoint of opposing views.
Immigration in the United States - From Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Family Studies. Presents a comprehensive, interdisciplinary collection of the key concepts, trends, and processes relating to the study of families and family patterns throughout the world.
Immigration Reform (US) - From Encyclopedia of Race and Racism. The Encyclopedia Of Race And Racism, provides critical information and context on the underlying social, economic, geographical, and political conditions that gave rise to, and continue to foster, racism.